0.9.80 - 21 Sep 2020
Minimum macOS version: 10.12
- None
- Fixed: hs.window.filter should no longer cause errors from hs.uielement objects
0.9.79 - 20 Sep 2020
Minimum macOS version: 10.12
- Updated Lua to 5.4.0
- Hammerspoon now works with Lua coroutines
- Switched from Crashlytics to Sentry.io for crash reporting
- Added: hs.axuielement
- Added: hs.serial
- Added: hs.websocket
- Added: hs.application:setFrontmost()
- Added: hs.screenRecordingState()
- Added: hs.window.list()
- Added: hs.pasteboard.watcher()
- Added: hs.relaunch()
- Added: hs.coroutineApplicationYield()
- Added: hs.math.isNan(), hs.math.isFinite() and hs.math.isInfinite()
- Added: hs.chooser:invalidCallback()
- Added: hs.fs.urlFromPath()
- Added: hs.canvas.useCustomAccessibilitySubrole()
- Changed: hs.http.websocket is now hs.websocket
- Changed: hs.streamdeck now supports XL and Mini decks
- Changed: MJConfigFile preference option now resolves symlinks
- Fixed: Potential memory leak in hs.eventtap.event:getUnicodeString()
- Fixed: hs.chooser now shows icons correctly
- Fixed: Potential crashes in various modules
- Fixed: hs.socket.udp() can now send binary data
- Fixed: delay in hs.webview.toolbar