0.9.34 - 20 Jul 2015
Minimum OS X version: 10.8
- API documentation now has a nice CSS theme (thanks @jasonm23)
- Changed: hs.screen:toEast()/toWest()/toNorth()/toSouth() are now stricter about which screen they should choose (with an optional parameter to be non-strict)
- Changed: hs.alert windows now render at the highest possible window level (i.e. on top of all other windows)
- Changed: hs.spaces.watcher:start()/stop() are now chainable
- Changed: More hs.window methods are now chainable
- Changed: hs.eventtap.checkKeyboardModifiers() now also returns the state of capslock, and optionally can return the raw modifier status
- Changed: hs.grid is now much more capable and can operate on per-screen grids
- Fixed: hs.pasteboard.setContents() now works correctly
- Fixed: an hs.uielement crash
- Fixed: an hs.hints crash on applications with no proper bundle
- Fixed: an hs.image crash
- Fixed: hs.urlevent callback errors are now propagated correctly
- Added: hs.timer.secondsSinceEpoch() for getting high resolution time
- Added: hs.host.cpuUsage[“overall”]
- Added: hs.screen.findByName()
- Added: hs.eventtap now handles more events (mainly simply gestures)
- Added: hs.image for creating image objects for other modules (hs.drawing, hs.menubar)
- Added: hs.hash for performing SHA1/256/512 and MD5 hashes
- Added: hs.screen:snapshot() for getting an hs.image object of the screen
- Added: hs.grid.show() for quickly resizing windows with a visual overlay
- Added: hs.drawing can now configure behaviours on its objects, affecting their behaviour with Spaces/MissionControl/Expose
0.9.33 - 01 Jul 2015
Minimum OS X version: 10.8
This is primarily a brown-bag release to fix a crashing bug that 0.9.32 introduced into hs.hints. Apologies for the regression.
- None
- Fixed: hs.host crash in garbage collection
- Added: HTML entity decoding helpers to hs.http
- Added: vmStat and cpuUsage to hs.host
- Added: Information about system settings for keyboard repeat and mouse doubleclick