0.9.14 - 30 Dec 2014
Minimum OS X version: 10.8
- Added: Crashlytics crash handling framework. This is active, but not currently very useful, as extension libraries are not symbolicated.
- Changed: hs.application.applicationForPid changed to hs.application.applicationForPID
- Changed: hs.hints now offers an optional “vimperator” style. Window hints now use two letters, the first of which is taken from the name of the application.
- Added: hs.uielement low level extension for working with UI elements. This is unlikely to be directly useful to many users, but offers powerful primitives for higher level abstractions
0.9.13 - 22 Dec 2014
Minimum OS X version: 10.8
- Added: Community Code of Conduct, taken from http://contributor-covenant.org/
- Added: hs.menubar for creating and managing arbitrary menubar icons (and associated dropdown menus)
- Added: hs.hints for switching window focus with transient application hotkeys, displayed in pretty onscreen icons
- Changed: hs.window:toggleFullscreen() is now hs.window:toggleFullScreen() to be more consistent. Sorry for the API change!
- Changed: hs.window now supports :moveToScreen() and :ensureIsInScreenBounds()
- Changed: Added hs.application.watcher to allow callbacks for various application lifecycle events
- Changed: hs.hotkey.modal can now accept nil parameters to allow a modal state to exist without a top-level hotkey, and be controlled entirely programatically